

Saturdays at B.E.

Thanks to our amazing volunteers, every Saturday we offer a hot and nutritious breakfast, hang-out time, positive relationships, and worship experiences with sound Biblical teaching.

B.E. Enterprises

Bethel Express Enterprises includes foundational thinking, motivational field trips and actual money making ventures that build more than just esteem, it builds a future and breaks the grip of poverty. We value hard work, and kids respond to opportunities to work hard at worthwhile endeavors. We instill the principle, “if there isn’t a job - make one.” This leads to productive work ethic and the greatest chance for employment as children grow into young adults.

How We Do It

We at Bethel Express are dedicated to pouring into the lives of children through the Good news of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to continually equip our kids with the necessary skills to live a spiritually complete and socially sound life while shedding the victim mentalities that can pervade the inner city.

Our Last Name is BE

For over 30 years, generations of kids that move through our program say “…my last name is BE, because we are family!”

Over 1000 Kids

Over 1000 kids have entered into and accepted the challenge to be productive members of society have stayed with the BE family through graduation.

100% Success Rate

100% of kids who have stayed with us have graduated from high school, and moved onto higher education, or have entered into the workforce.

The “S” Factor

We believe that every child has the potential to become a productive citizen and a champion in society through what Michael has coined “The “S” Factor”.

Spiritual Strength

We reinforce biblical literacy, worship, praise, prayer, and discipleship. Every Saturday, our family comes together, with bibles in hand, and God in our hearts, to worship together, fellowship, and praise the Lord.

Social Stability

Through outings, field trips, and work training (Bethel Express Enterprises), we provide practical examples and pathways to stability in our community.

Scholastic Success

Providing tutoring, incentives, school visits, and achievable scholarships, we make what may seem impossible actually possible in the lives of young people. 100% of kids who have finished our program have graduated high school since 1987.